Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Bar Skank of Korea: A Play in Three Acts (Conclusion)

Act 3

Scene 1

[Boardwalk exterior.  George stumbles out of the restaurant.  Vomits Jello.  Looks up.]

George: By my mass...!

George: She...she is beautiful!  The octopus was right all along, I have been a prize fool!

[Sees Busan in the distance.  Runs over to her in slow motion.  Air Supply plays in the background.]

George: Fair maiden, I bear myself before you a wretched and ignoble man, a heartless and foolish doubter of your virtue.  Forgive me, heavenly dame, I beseech you.

Busan: As Virgil once spoketh, "Love begets love, love knows no rules, this is same for all."  No malice lies within my breast, Good Sir George Mugin, not for thouest.

George: Indeed, for "Even virtue is fairer when it appears in a beautiful person."  Oh Busan, your beaches are breathtaking in the moonlight.  Your skies bright with neon bridge lights like the effervescent dawn.  Come, let us bask in our new love, as green and verdant as the grass that I remember seeing when I lived in a country that wasn't afraid of grass.  Let us steal away now, so we may live forever in eternal bliss!

[They kiss.]

George: Since the invention of the kiss, there have only been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure.  This one has left them all behind.

Busan: Didst thou compose that?

George: more words.  Our chariot awaits!  And it has a basket in front for your purse and a banana seat, built for a queen.

Busan:  Ohhh...

Scene 2

[Hotel room interior.  The following morning.]

Busan: Good morning lover.

[George opens his eyes.  Sees...]

George: Eegh.  Oh...hey!  Listen, you're really swell and all, but I gotta get to work and...yeah.  But hey I'll definitely call you.  Real soon.  Just know...a lot of work stuff right now.  Anyway, you take care now!  Thanks for everything.



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